Error while creating External network switch in Hyper-V
We might encounter the following error when trying to create an External switch in the Hyper-V Manager >>> Virtual Switch Manager.
The error states:-
Error applying Virtual Switch properties changes
Failed while virtual Ethernet switch connections.
Ethernet port "alphanumeric ID" bind failed: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.(0x800700b7).
Not just that, your machine loses internet access even when the Wifi adpater is still enabled and connected. Disabling and enabling the Wifi Adapter also doesn't restore it.
This error is caused when you have the Wifi NIC card selected while creating the external virtual adapter. The process actually selects the adapter which is connected to the internet by default and usually its the Wifi only. That is the issue, we need to select the NIC Familly Controller and not the Wifi adapter.
Atleast, don't select the card on which the internet is running otherwise, it will get disconnected and you will have to uninstall the drivers in Device Manager and then reboot the machine so that they get reinstalled.
Along with the External vEthernet, a Network bridge will also be created. Please don't delete or modify it until you are 100% sure.